Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the number 42 is haunting me

I see it everywhere/all the time here recently. I look at the clock at exactly :42. It's (seemingly) randomly included in Facebook comments directed at me without the commenter's knowledge of my relationship with this number. It pops up on website error messages, in flight itineraries, in phone numbers. What does it mean? Also, I just learned this last week. Weird.


  1. Listen to Tool's song Forty Six and Two. The youtube video with the lyrics is pretty powerful and the meaning behind the song is pretty cool. Enjoy. I don't know why your post made me think of that but it did.

  2. My husband always looks at the clock at 7:47, AM and PM, and he's somehow passed it on to me. Eeek! He doesn't like to fly, especially on a 747 airplane.

  3. Chuck - whoa. The Shadow is what I've been dealing with for a while now. And I didn't even know it existed. I love Jung though.

  4. Look up the etymological meaning of the word "weird".

  5. Whooooooooooa.
