It was shockingly reminiscent of my everyday life working for a high-end magazine company in New York. The fashion interns, the fashion closet, the jeans-wearing. The lower-level editors meeting with the editor-in-chief and accomplishing nothing because she doesn't really have anything to say - aside from yes, no, yes, no, love it, hate it - and then talking about her behind her back once they leave her office. All of this was very odd to watch from the outside, since I watch it from the inside all the time. Throughout the whole film, all I could think was, "Yep, basically."
The documentary was really well done, too. R.J. Cutler was very subtle in making the point that, aside from the beautiful art created by genius Grace Coddington and her team of photogs/stylists/models, Vogue - at least the fashion side of the book - is basically a hollow place. Anna is clearly affected by the fact that - deep inside - she knows that her job is meaningless. True, she loves fashion, and she knows what she is talking about, and she is well-respected in that world; but, as Cutler shows us, her world is ultimately an empty one.
So natch, immediately following the film, Z and I - so inspired by the depressingly, desolately destitute world of fashion - made a trip to H&M and I bought this amazing/ridiculous/completely inappropriate dress!!!! Minus the hideous belt, of course. Where the fuck am I going to wear this thing?

You can't really tell in this photo, but the shoulders have what can only be described as "wing tips." Z said only I could pull it off. I guess we'll see.
On a related note, I would also like to take this opportunity to officially announce my HLLWN2009 costume: Lady GaGa.

Yep. I take HLLWN very seriously. Costume pieces I have so far: black bra, high-waisted/short skirt, combat boots, ridonk clear plastic necklace, sunglasses. Still needed: disco stick, fishnets, blonde wig, gloves?, bomber jacket (maybe), glitter.
RIP HLLWN2008: You were epic, and cemented my eternal love for Beyoncé and Single Ladies. But I have to move on. This year, it's time to kick it up a snatch. More updates TK.
Until next time.