Friday, March 5, 2010

Each day, something new

So I decided recently that I'm going to make something everyday. Whether it's a piece of writing, a photo or series of photos, something I create in InDesign and/or Photoshop, a mini-collage, a shitty little drawing, whatever - I just want to create something every single day that didn't exist in the world before. That probably sounds a) a little pretentious and b) like a shit ton of work; but the thing is that it's actually more natural than anything, and shouldn't be considered work at all. When you're a little kid, all you do is create. You create all the time, every single day. You make up little stories, you draw things, you build a house out of blocks (or, in my case, playing cards), you create entire worlds in your bedroom - and you do all these things just because it's fun. You don't even think about it, you just do it.

So when does that stop? When does the creative mind take a backseat to the mind our parents and teachers - with the best of intentions - want to foster in us more than anything? The mind that makes us smart, makes us capable, and makes us, above all, productive members of a civilized economy/society? There's some unknowable point when most of us stop making art and start learning the quadratic equation and the history of the Byzantine Empire and something about the cotton gin. All that stuff is good information to have, but I reject the notion that there isn't enough room in my brain (or in my life) for practical knowledge and creative efforts. And this is my form of active rejection.

Day One. I made this.

What? It's a start! And blog posts count, too. So now I've made two things. Bam. Have a good (creative!) weekend, y'all.


  1. I like the Donald and Ivanka's creation methods better, creating money, huzzah!

  2. The creative make life worth living.

  3. I love it! I create paperwork everyday, does that count? Ha, ha.

  4. love it! you're a very creative girl.

  5. My birthday is on May 13th.

    Um, in case you were...interested.

  6. WOW! I have that exact phone and I don't have the cool screen background...or the hot chick on top telling me the phone is ringing...oh wait that's your creative thingy...very nicely done.


  7. I think it is a great idea to create something everyday, even if it is small.. I am an art major and I am so much happier than some others I know majoring in engineering, or something equally as boring. All they have to look forward to is lectures- I get to look forward to creating stuff! It really helps you stay grounded in yourself and not get so bogged down with boring "real" life :)

  8. I think that's amazing. I really respect your creative initiative. It's downright inspiring!
    Good luck on the new regimen.

  9. I really agree with you totally here! It seems like in the education system there's a push towards crushing creativity in kids because its "useless" compared to what they're being taught in class. I'm also very creative, and I have to say it helps me keep perspective on my life...well said :)

  10. I love that creative goal! best of luck :)

  11. Making something every day is a brilliant idea.

    I can't make things, so I try to write something every day.
