I turned in my edit test last Tuesday. No word back yet, but that was also the day before Xmas Eve, and I assume the person I've been in contact with took a few days off for the holiday. I anticipate her being back in the office tomorrow, and I hope to hear back either tomorrow or Tuesday. Fingers crossed! I still appreciate any positive thoughts y'all are willing to vibe my way.
Since then, I have: visited family in ATL for Xmas, got in a huge fight with A, made up with A, had a really good time with A (he's in town visiting family as well), had a last supper with my Birmingham friends, and, at long last, started packing. Here is the evidence:

There is also this bag:
- One full-size down comforter
- One pillow
- One set of twin sheets
- One bath towel, one hand towel
- A loofa
- Three scarves
- Two hats
- Underwear, stockings, exercise clothes
- A collection of sweaters, coats, and other winter clothes
One thing I've always heard you need in NYC is a big tote to carry around with you. Wimpy little purses won't do for everyday happenings, because you leave your apartment in the morning, go to work, go work out, go hang out with friends, go to dinner or happy hour, whatever it is you do all day - you have to have a big bag for all your daily ish. So I went to Target and got one on clearance for like $27. It's big and black and has three compartments. Twss?
All I have left to pack is last minute stuff: toothbrush, razor, computer, chargers, etc. It's crazy to think that in less than 48 hours I will be a New Yorker in the making.
Majorly yours.