Thursday, December 18, 2008

Quick NYC update, minus the sigh

I don't really have time today for a deep, thoughtful post (sorry, I know y'all are used to those), but I wanted to update everyone really quick about some major happenings in preparation for NYC.

I applied to an assistant editor position at a national magazine in NYC, kind of on a whim. It's actually a step above entry-level; the order is (generally) editorial intern-->editorial assistant-->assistant editor-->associate editor-->editor. I didn't really expect to hear anything back, but the job sounded amazing, so I was like, why not. Well, they e-mailed me back yesterday and wanted me to come in for an interview! I was like oh noez I can't, I'm in Birmingham. But they were open to doing a phone interview. So it's this afternoon at 5 EST/4 CST. As I drove home from work yesterday, it suddenly dawned on me: this is my first-ever interview for a real job. Not an internship, not a college job. A real, 401K, benefits, and salary job. OMG amazing.

Also, A and I are officially going to Obama's inauguration. He got us tickets. It's the day before my birthday: January 20, 2009. Best b'day present ever. <3 Big Jackie O sunglasses might be required.

Back to work. I need y'all's help. Please be thinking of me this afternoon/early evening when I have my interview. I really believe in the power of positive thought.

Majorly yours.

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